Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Letter from Mommy

My dearest Tes,
We are quickly approaching your 7th month and the time is spinning out of control. The past 7 months have been the best time of my life. While you were still in my belly a week seemed like an eternity, now a week is gone in the blink of an eye.

 You are growing into a little lady with every passing minute. I expect you to start walking before you turn 8 months old. You are pulling up on anything you can grab and you walk holding onto Mommy and Daddy’s fingers. You have been crawling now for months, you actually started crawling at 4 months. Daddy bought you a John Deere tractor to try and help you along with walking, sadly, you HATED it. You will warm up to now, as long as nobody is watching you. J We introduced you to a sippy cup this month in hopes of only using a bottle at bedtime. My sweet girl, I am sad to see you are growing so fast, yet so happy to have you here. I thank God each and every day for blessing me with such a sweet, loving, and beautiful baby girl. Your first Halloween will always be a treasured memory for me. The only place we took you was to the Nursing Home. The “bumble bee” sure buzzed around and brightened a lot of elderly people’s eyes. They were absolutely delighted to see you and for you to interact with them.  Life with you, well, it is absolutely glorious my precious love bug! Each time you squeal with delight, or babble just to hear yourself babble, it gives me chills and a feeling of honor to be your mommy. I love you baby girl!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A first of many....

Saturday will mark the half year point of Tes' life. I am having a hard time thinking that my baby girl is growing up. She has been crawling for around 3 months and now she is starting to pull up and trying to walk. That makes this mommy sad! It seems like just yesterday I was demanding they keep me at the hospital and get her out of me. She no longer depends on her binky, as a matter of a fact I don't think she ever really cared for it, I believe we used it as a clutch moreso than her. She is growing into such a fun, loving, and bright little girl. She will go Monday for her 6 month well check and get shots. :(

This past Sunday, October 9th, we took her to have her ears pierced. I tried to talk daddy out of doing it because she had not been feeling well. She is still battling allergy symptoms. While they were piercing her ears, I believe I cried more than she did and she wouldn't have even cried if the stupid girl doing it hadn't got the cartridge stuck on her ear. I could have punched her in the face. Now she has pretty April birthstone flowers in her ears.

I will post more later :)